Thursday, November 30, 2006

Has the market hit bottom?

In a recently release article from Reuters, it was reported that The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation had holdings as of September consisting of over 6 million shares of various home builder stocks. Centex, Beazer, and WCI were among the few of them.

If someone this big is making a move like this, are they speculating that the bottom has been hit?

This is the exact model that Buffett uses (is that surprising). Buy a promising product when it's down and prepare for the up-swing.

This goes hand-in-hand with my post on Learning to Invest. When the market is down, buy cheap, buy as much as you can, plan to hold it and prepare for the up-swing.

Click here for the article.


Anonymous said...

If you subscribe to the "herd mentality" this is a great time to get out. Notice, however, that the herd isn't as rich as Warren or Bill. It is my opinion that we are in the trough and the worst is behind us. I don't expect the upswing to be as dramatic as the downturn we've experienced. I will say this ... my money is in PCB and I'm in for the long haul.
-Kyle Dreier

Anonymous said...

At this point and time we have weathered the storm , so to speak. I am invested in the Panama city Beach market and believe most investors will only see the bottom of this market in the rear view mirror. Hind site is always 20,20. Investments in real estate should always be purchased with at least a 4 year window in mind. Looking forward to the up coming years in the Panama city market as the strong basic fundamentals carry this market to new levels.