Monday, November 06, 2006

Bay County Airport Construction Costs Continue to Rise

An article in the News Herald yesterday spoke into the continually rising construction costs of the new airport. The cost grew from $218M in 2000 to roughly $330M now. Increases in construction costs and inflation are to blame. In all honesty, what did we expect? As time passes, the price always goes up. Of course the price went up, the only question is how much more is it going to go up before construction can begin? A link to the article can be found here.

I stand in support of the new airport, but at what point do we throw in the towel and say this is too much money? At what point do we cross the line? There's always got to be a breaking point.

Something has to be done. We need to either get our airport up to regulation or build a new airport. Obviously modifying the existing one would be less expensive, but last time that was discussed, the environmentalists cited that harm would be done to the seagrass beds. What would cause more harm to the environment, extending the current runway, or building a new airport?

What if the airport purchased more land inland and 390 was re-routed? Would that be possible?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The new airport needs to be built.
I lived in Denver at the time the new Denver Airpot was being considered. It's like deja vu all over again.
The fact is that so much is dependent on the new airport being built. It will be great for the economy and everyone stands to gain from it. It will bring higher wages and higher quality of life. Denver was in the midst of a severe recession in 1985. The building of the new airport there not only lifted the area out of recession, but it brought higher paying jobs and more of them.

The current airport is out of date and out of room. If Bay County wants to continue living in the Dark Ages, then don't build the airport. It took 20 years for them to decide where to build the new Hathaway Bridge, and they wound up putting it in exactly the same place!
Procrastination and red tape are standing in the way. Build the airport NOW!