"A poll conducted last month by the Tallahassee Area Chamber of Commerce concluded that 38 percent of the 625 adults questioned would be very likely to travel here to use the new airport if it offers cheaper fares or a direct flight to a destination. Another 20 percent surveyed on the same question said they would be 'somewhat likely' to make the trip for cheaper fares or more direct routes. 'That’s the point of building the airport,' said Airport Authority Chairman Joe Tannehill and Vice Chairman Bill Cramer. 'That’s the bottom line of why we’re moving,' Tannehill said, 'to be more competitive.' The Panama City-Bay County International Airport loses some 10,000 passengers per month to other area airports with cheaper rates, Tannehill said."
We live in an age where we will make a little sacrifice of time to save a few hundred bucks. Why not spend 2 hours and $40 on gas to save $200 on air fare. If we have competitive fares at the new airport, people will travel here to save money. This is inevitable, we as humans are too cheap not to.
A link to the whole article can be found here.
1 comment:
A new airport will not change the demand for flights. The only demand changed will be the demand for a developer to develop the existing site and the price St. Joe will be wanting for the land surrounding the proposed site.
The only feature making the existing site attractive to a developer is the waterfront. The good citizens of Bay County are being fed a load of bull. The existing runway cannot be extended into the bay but a developer can dredge the same area for a marina.
Who really wins when the airport is relocated? What will happen to the value of the land that St. Joe owns surrounding the future site.
Our roads and schools cannot handle the current demand. The people of Bay County spoke loud and clear with the previous vote.
People of Bay County stand up and be heard!!
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