Saturday, January 06, 2007

New York Times Recognizes Panama City Beach

First and foremost, I'd like to apologize for not getting this up quicker. I've had several people email me with the article. Thank you for keeping on me, and keep up the good work.

The New York Times published an article on Panama City Beach that was quite flattering. The author speaks of a "supermodel showing off her good side" in reference to our "flaunting [our] most valuable asset".

The new airport is mentioned along with the strong growth we've experienced and optimism by local residents and visitors. Local Realtor stars, like Katie Patronis are quoted and Census statistics are stated.

Something else was mentioned that I used often in my active real estate selling days: Our beaches are almost never crowded. "It's not like Coney Island, where you're stepping all over each other. . .", a native New Yorker mentioned.

This is true, we have beautiful, renourished, uncrowded beaches with crystal clear water most months out of the year.

It's great that we are being recognized on such a national level (not like we haven't been in the past).

The entire article can be read here.

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