Welcome to PCBDaily.com. The purpose of this blog is to provide a location for people to find current information regarding real estate in the Panama City and Panama City Beach areas. In addition to providing current real estate-related articles, PCBDaily.com provides a way for you to get a glimpse of the current market trends without being pushed to buy or sell. My intention is not to give advice, but simply to have a place to compile information on this dynamic, rapidly changing market.
Most of my posts will contain links to a download page. Until I switch to a custom blog site, I will have to host the articles I post somewhere else. When you follow a link you will be brought to a

At this point, click on "Download File" and you will be given an option to open or save. I always click save so that I will have it on my computer for later viewing.
To get back to PCBDaily, just go back to the "download file" window and hit your browser's "back" button.
Also, many of the readers of this blog are in the real estate business and use this as a reference point and place to find articles to share with their clients. If you see something that you think should be here, email me and I'll take a look at it.
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